15 Fast Tips for Inspiration, Motivation and Fun
- Category: Physician Liaison, Inspiration
Most physician liaisons live by lists!
“Lists help us in organizing what is otherwise overwhelming.” That’s according to the “king” of list-making, David Wallechinsky, co-author of the fabulous Book of Lists.
So, we are sharing our list of 15 tried and true tips to inspire, motivate and give you a chuckle: 5 Do’s, 5 Don’ts and 5 Why Nots?
5 DO’S
Be a person of positive influence, starting with being the most positive person you know! Regardless of your status or position, creating positive influence will not only be a catalyst to your own success, it will become the legacy you will leave behind.
Do the right thing even though the wrong thing (like a white-lie or short-cut) is often so much more fun, faster and easier. Remember, people (you may not even know) are always watching you from some angle. Let’s be honest, the right thing always feels harder in the moment but better in the end. And the payoff is so rewarding!
Surround yourself with the right people, people with whom you look up to and people that inspire you to be a better person. Sometimes we have to love the wrong people from afar. My mother used to preach, “You are who you hang with.” That is true to life, friends!
Be Prepared! Remember P6 – Proper ‘Prior’ Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.
Be Real. You (and I) make a horrible someone else. God made YOU to be YOU!
Don’t quit. Winners never quit, and quitters never win. The National Sales Executive Association estimates that 80% of sales are made on the 5th to 12th contact! Henry Ford filed bankruptcy 5 times. You’d think he would have quit after #1, but NOPE! #2, No! #3, No! #4, No! And, #5, NO! He kept going! His legacy is still receiving payments from some of us today!
Don’t gossip. My mom always said, “If you can’t say anything nice, DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!” Remember, what comes around, goes around! Gossip is the best example too!
Don’t worry. Do your best, and forget the rest. In Stephen Covey’s best-selling “7 Habits of Highly Successful People,” he talks about staying within our circle of influence. Instead of reacting to or worrying about conditions over which we have little or no control, we must focus our time and energy on things we can control. Pick up that book and read it annually.
Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself – respectfully, of course! Be strategic, be prepared, be honest, OR, eventually, be prepared to be gone.
Don’t stop learning. We can become irrelevant very quickly if we don’t invest in staying sharp by reading, listening to audios or free pod-casts, taking courses and having an open-mind to learning new things.
Set one big audacious goal per year. It helps us be more intentional vs. letting year after year fly by. Make a bucket list – and commit to crossing one thing off a year. If you haven’t seen “Bucket List” with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, watch it!
Invite someone you admire, respect or want to follow their success path to lunch, coffee, or for a 30-minute meeting. Pick their brain—learn their success story!
Do a SWOT analysis on yourself once a year. Where are you Strong or Weak? What Opportunities or Threats can help or hinder you? This is a worth-while self-exam for self-improvement.
Make YOU Matter. Schedule quarterly tune-ups: physical, mental, and spiritual. You only get one life—invest in YOURSELF so you can give and be more to others!
Give back! Let’s talk financial freedom and personal fulfillment. It’s said that, “in giving, we receive.” That goes for both financial generosity and good deeds: they multiply. Remember to share your time, talent and treasure. That’s by far the best tip you’ll ever receive!