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Virtual Visits: Share These Best Practices With Your Providers

Virtual Visits: Share These Best Practices With Your Providers

Virtual visits (aka telemedicine) is our new norm and here’s how Liaisons can help…

A couple of weeks ago Deb Sheetz from Dayton Children’s Hospital shared several tools and techniques to help providers jump into the world of virtual visits. This week, she is back with the Top 10 Best Practices for virtual visits. (Thanks Deb!)

You have heard the saying, “there are two sides to every story” well that’s no different with virtual visits. While there has been a lot of emphasis put on the patient’s experience – we also need to help with provider experience.

This Top 10 Best Practices for Virtual Visits tool will help your providers in several ways. First, with relationship-center communication skills, proven to increase empathy. And second, to understand the importance of the virtual visit method moving forward into the new norm.

Download the tool today and begin sharing it with your physicians and Advanced Practice Providers. It may ease some of the anxiety about stepping in front of the camera. Once again – Liaisons save the day with added value!