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As the final piece of our “New Better” series, Tammy Tiller-Hewitt hosted a complimentary webinar featuring Lois Creamer. Tammy and Lois shared best practices for using your speaking skills to influence your audience.
The top takeaway from one of the most influential speakers in the industry was this: Whether you are speaking to one person or an audience of one thousand, you must create the lens through which you want them to see you. What you say and how you say it in the first 10 seconds should make the concept of working with you and the outcomes you deliver crystal clear. Check out the recording to learn the tips and techniques for doing just that!
"Tiller-Hewitt gave us a jump start for early success. By focusing our program on the right initiatives and tracking the right data, we got our outreach ..."
Get started with a complimentary strategy call to pinpoint your most pressing
challenges and areas of greatest opportunity.